Thursday, 18 August 2016

Why Adult Dyspraxics should Join and support the Dyspraxia Foundation.

The Purpose of this blog is to promote The Dyspraxia Foundation E book' "Dyspraxic Adults Surviving in a Non-Dyspraxic World" self help book for dyspraxic adults. All proceeds go to the Dyspraxia Foundation Adult support groups. Available on Amazon for £9.99

Today’s blog definitely gives the views of the Dyspraxia Foundation and is an attempt to answer some of the views and awkward but relevant questions that I have heard from other Dyspraxic Adults, before I became Adult Adviser

On Friday I attended my First Dyspraxia Foundation Trustees Away day. The main focus was to raise funds for the DF as they have become short of funding, partly due to not getting more Lottery Funding for the Helpline. We are also raising funds for core costs of running the Dyspraxia Foundation.

I am fully aware that Dyspraxic Adults don’t see the relevance of joining the DF or supporting the DF. Well the DF needs your support because if the DF ceases to exist it can’t support adults 

So please support us by becoming a member of the DF. Those of you who are unemployed or on a low income can join for £6.50 the full fee being £25. All adult members no matter what type of membership they have are entitled to full membership and voting rights at the AGM.
The DF is a membership organisation and represents the views of its members. With only a small number of adult members it’s difficult for the organisation to represent adults and raise awareness of adult issues. Well 16 years ago when I wanted support in Manchester so I set I didn’t blame the DF for there not being a support group in Manchester. I’d just been medically retired so instead of being a passive victim I set up the Manchester adult support group. There is no reason why other adults can’t do the same if there isn’t one in their area. We have DF guidelines that I made to help with this.  Some of you if you haven’t done already could help by raising awareness of dyspraxia or lobbying your MP if you’re not happy with the adult services in your area.
We were all children once.  So why does there have to be a them and us? Do you really want children and young people to have to endure some of the things that happened to many adults? I for one had a difficult childhood due to lack of dyspraxia awareness and wouldn’t’ like young people today to have to endure the same type of bullying and discrimination.
As Adults you may be thinking the following:

“The Dyspraxia Foundation is a Children’s charity and Adults are second best. They  put on more Children’s conferences than Adult ones? They are only interested in young children and young people”.
The DF has a three year cycle for its awareness campaigns. Year 1 focuses on Children, Year 2[S2]  Young People and Year 3 Adults, but the adult Advisory panels subject to finances still put on conferences and devise new leaflets, raise awareness and participate in parliamentary campaigns every year. They could do even more if more adults supported us

“They don’t have a conference in my area They always have conferences in London]  Birmingham or Manchester”.
Well these are areas that are highly populated and are accessible by public transport[S6] [JT7] . We did try to put a conference on in Newcastle after locals requesting this but there was not a big enough response so it had to be cancelled. If any adult knows of a free venue that’s near public transport in their area and we have more funds by more adults supporting us we could have events in other areas.
There are more Children’s conferences than Adult ones because unfortunately children’s conferences, especially when professionals attend bring in more income than adult ones. The surplus from these are used supplement adult activities.

“Why do Adults on a low income have to pay for membership?” 
Adults are already subsidised by funding from the children and young people’s conferences.
“Why are there not free places for Adults at Conferences for adults on a low income and no bursaries for hotels and travel expenses?”
Adult conferences are subsidised by funding from the surplus made from children & young people’s conferences and they do not have the funds to completely give free places to Adults. But if the DF continues I will try to look at funding bids to further supplement adults. But in with austerity cuts many charities are after the same pots of money so competition is fierce.

“The DF is based in Hitchin what has that got to do with us?”
 The Hitchin staff distribute leaflets, organise Conferences for Dyspraxic Adult’s Parents and run the helpline you may be surprised to know that over 50% of the  helpline enquiries are from adults. The DF staff also organise and take part in fundraising activities and often work outside of paid hours on a voluntary basis..

Dyspraxia Foundation reception at Parliament.2nd left Emma Llewellyn Bucks, Michele Lee, Eleanor Howes
 This year the Dyspraxia Awareness week focuses on adult employment, we are working with the present Government on the economic impact of adult dypraxics not being supported in employment.  Hence the recent Survey Monkey to gather evidence for this. We are represented by Dyspraxic adult shadow MP Emma Llewellyn Bucks. We also have the ebook ‘Dyspraxic Adults Surviving in a Non-Dyspraxic World that has sold almost 200 copies and there will soon be a paper copy available on Amazon..
 So please don’t think we do nothing for adults. So please Join the DF and make a donation if you can so we can do even more for Adults, I’m also looking for Dyspraxic adults with skills in fundraising, adult education, publicity and marketing, dyspraxia awareness, employment, health and emotional well-being to participate on my Adult Advisory Panel.

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