Sunday, 17 July 2016

A Hectic first week as Dyspraxia Foundation Adult Advisor

 The Purpose of this blog is to promote The Dyspraxia Foundation E book' "Dyspraxic Adults Surviving in a NonDyspraxic World" self help book for dyspraxic adults. All proceeds go to the Dyspraxia Foundation Adult support groups. Available on Amazon for £9.99

 Why Dyspraxic Adults need to bear with me until August
 My first week as Adult Advisor has been really hectic. It has been one of those weeks where it has been really busy, especially in my personal life and at work, then there have been a DF Trustees issue that required my urgent response, due to confidentiality I cannot disclose it yet, until it has been discussed further.
Personal Life
Some of you may know that I am responsible  for  Mum who has the middle stages of Dementia, she is still living in her own home with support. Mum can still make her own decisions.  but She finds it difficult to manage her finances. She is now finding living in her home more of a struggle. I am her power of Attorney over her finances with my Second Cousin Ian who has more idea of assets than I have. I feel a bit useless as a daughter as my dyspraxia means I cannot drive down to see her except on a Sunday as its hard to get to her house from work by public transport. I’m sure Ian thinks I use my dyspraxia as an excuse for not supporting my mum enough, but if I get too stressed I can’t function to hold down my 2 part time jobs.

Just before the DF AGM and Conference I looked at my junk mail to see if anything important was hiding in there. I came across an email that had been there nearly a week offering my Mum an I dependence flat at Heathlands a Jewish old people village in Prestwich.  When my Grandma went into a home it was different it was a bedroom with a sink in it. It was realised that this can cause deterioration, institutionalisation and learned helplessness. Now if an older person still has some level of independence they get a studio flat with a support package according to their needs. Heathlands independence unit Moorview  is upstairs. On the lower floors have units for older people who need more care to varying degrees. On the ground floor there is an activity room, a synagogue/ entertainment hall supported by the local community, a restaurant that serves 3 meals a day, morning coffee and afternoon tea. A there is also a cafĂ© that sells snacks and a hairdressers. The Flat she wants is beautiful and overlooks reception so she can see who’s coming and going and it overlooks a stunning communal garden.[JT1] 

Heathlands Village
I  wouldn’t mind living there myself. I’m not sure due to being severely Dyspraxic, if anyone would be able to tell if I had the early stages of dementia or not. To some degree I do similar things to my mum. I forget to close windows before I go out. I lose my possession, I  putnon edible things in the fridge & not remember how they got there.  I forget people’s names or get them wrong even when I know them. But these things only happen when I’m stressed, overloaded or don’t get enough sleep. To be honest my mum house is always spotless. If a social worker assessed me on how untidy my house was as to see if I was coping, I think I’d get more points for not coping than my mum ever would.

I digress. My Mum who adamantly refused 2 years ago to even look at a flat, viewed the flat. A synagogue volunteer took her down to look at it, as it was within a timescale before it got offered to someone else and I had urgent commitments at work, that I will explain later on. I went with Ian this Thursday the only time that was mutually suitable for Ian, myself and my Mums social worker to look at my Mum’s flat  Which happened to be on my busiest day at work when my Open Awards verification had to be completed.. My cousin had to sort out if Mum could afford it or not in a very short timescale before he went on holiday. I am very grateful to Ian and I can’t thank him enough and I have no idea how I can return the favour. She now wants to move in straightaway and get very cross with me when I tell her nothing has been signed yet and I can’t help her until August, when I will only be working 2 days a week, so I will be less stressed and can sort out her move.

I have 2 jobs based at the Trafford Centre for Independent Living in Sale. My first Job is with Future Visions a Self-Advocacy Charity for people with learning disabilities. The second for Trafford CIL as a Travel Training Project Co-ordinator where I train & support volunteers of varying ability to travel train people with Learning Disabilities. My job role has changed and I’m now the internal Verifier. Future Visions  has put on courses  accredited by Open Awards. I am very lucky that Urszula is a very competent Tutor and assessor so verifying her courses has been reasonably easy. But verifying involves cross referencing assessment criteria which are numbered and cross referenced. It involves checking that assessment criteria, learner feedback and achievement decisions have been completed in individual files. There are 3 courses with 3-4 units and about 10 adult learners. I this all had to be finished in originally about 2 days before the external assessor visited us. 

Luckily my line manager suggested I do the travel training report for my second job next week . I could concentrate on verification this week which gave me an extra day. Due to a team effort Urszula, John and I got a glowing report and we I can now verify internally without an external verifier.

Adult Advisor
While all this was going on, Vee from a dyspraxic Adult whom I met at the conference phoned me with a funding Idea so I have arranged to see him next month. I am staying at my cousin Jonathan’s on the Thursday night as the Trustees Away Day is on a Friday, near Heathrow Airport and would take 4 ½ hours travelling there and back in one day. I have maximised my train fare by arranging some appointments on the Thursday. I have a meeting with Michelle Lee the DFs Chairperson & Eleanor Howes Chief Executive Officer, to discuss what my role involves as Adult Advisor. After this I have made an appointment with Vee so he can explain his funding idea. 

When I came home from work on Friday a huge wad of Trustee document were waiting for me to read so I looked at them on Saturday & filled in the relevant forms. I have also received several emails from Trustees and information passed on by Peter Keegan the previous Adult Advisor. I was not going to reply properly until the weekend so I could process the information when I’m less stressed, but a whole thread of a very important issue came up that I needed to respond to as soon as it had been brought to my attention. So Now you know why I have asked all Dyspraxic adults to bear with me until August.
In order to recharge my batteries, I have chilled out this weekend so I’m not too overloaded to start the travel training project report on Monday.

I think when all things are considered I have coped really well with such an eventful week. I have decided to treat myself for Rosh Ha Shana on October 1st (Jewish New Year) by booking another week in Pefkos (back just in time for Dyspraxia Awareness week on October 9th), before my paid working hours drop. All I need to do is save up for holiday spending money.


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