Sometimes I get feedback from my dyspraxia awareness work congratulating me on 'Overcomimg my dyspraxia'. I know they mean well I haven't tuned into a social model zealot by biting their heads off in response to their 'compliment'.
Yes at one time I had low self esteem, didn't do well in the workplace and felt excluded and socially isolated.
Now I have qualifications up to MA level. I'm a work placement assessor students on the PGCE at he university of Bolton. I can hold down a 30 hour job, fit in at work and have good friends I can rely on.I support my mother who has dementia and I do stand up comedy for a hobby as well as facilitating a dyspraxia group. So surely I have overcome my dyspraxia?
I believe I have overcome societies disabling barriers and that I live in a world designed for non-dyspraxics or neurotypicals. Dyspraxia isn't something that magically disappears. if you manage to have some success in life! I have developed strategies to overcome disabling barrier but its still there. Suggesting have overcome my dypsraxia suggest that I have a deficit that must be cured or eradicated to make me conform to societies norm.
Well my house looks like very messy teenagers bedroom.
When I do my morning workout I try to copy the movements from my rebound video but I resemble an elephant who has a windmill instead of limbs. I check that I have locked the patio door before going to work
not because I have OCD but because I let the cats in & out & forget to lock it before I leave the house.I walk up the road and realise I have to go back for my mobile phone or purse. At work I realise I have worn my top or leggings inside out or back to front. I mix up the name of the chairman of Future Visions with the chairman of the dyspraxia group but because I work with people with learning disabilities they are somewhat amused but understanding about it.
On the way home I trip on the pavement. when I get home I'm utterly exhausted and all I want to do is watch inane hospital dramas & colour in my age appropriate colouring book. So reader do you really think that I have overcome my dyspraxia? My dyslexia hasn't been cured either. I have proofread this 4 times and there may well be some spelling mistakes.
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